The best you can do when faced with these unfortunate circumstances is to own up to your part, make right as quickly as possibly and move forward with a ‘lesson learned’ mentality.
Thankfully, Charlie B Johnson from has compiled a list of the 10 most common mistakes made by graphic designers. Even if you’re aware of most of these, this article is still a wonderful, quick read and great top-of-mind refresher :
“The purpose of graphic design is to visually aid companies in expressing their message to their target market. Hence, if the graphic designers ignore the target audience, they will never be able to create the right design. In order to create relevant designs, you must first analyze the intended customers for which it is aimed at. Overlooking the target will lead to a weak and aimless design…”
“One of the gravest mistake you can make as a graphic designer is to lose hope in the middle of a project. There will be times when you will get tired of working on a project or be unsatisfied with the results. But never give up and carry on until you achieve your desired results. Be it graphic design or any other profession, confidence is crucial in the success of your career…”
Read the Full Article Here:
Design Taxi : 10 Mistakes a Graphic Designer Shouldn’t be Making